Catholics Returning Home was listed as a model program in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) directory A Time to Listen
A Time to Heal. The program is used throughout the US and other countries.
Catholics Returning Home sessions provide updated information on the basics of Catholicism in a non-threatening, RCIA-like, support-group format. The sessions are informational and formational. Topics of the six-week sessions are:
Session #1 Welcome and Overview of the Series; Sharing by Team and Participants
Session #2 Stories of Faith from Catholics Returning Home video & sharing
Session #3 The Church Today: Changes Since Vatican II, Q&A
Session #4 Explanation/Walk-through of the Mass, Q&A
Session #5 Tips on Sinning, Explanation of Reconciliation/Confession, Q&A
Session #6 The Creed: What Catholics Believe Wrap-up, Q&A
Most participants want to continue with more in-depth adult education/formation sessions and should be channeled into Bible study or other small group faith sharing. Graduates can be channeled into continuing sessions in March/October to cover additional topics and/or Catholics Continuing the Journey a six week Lenten/Advent spiritual renewal program. Minimal resources are necessary. The program works best in a team-environment with staff and/or volunteers. It is recommended to include people who have returned to the Church on the team and best to use a variety of presenters along with the video Stories of Faith from Catholics Returning Home." Most advertising can be done via free news releases, signs, bulletins and regular Church mailings.