Catholics Returning Home was listed as a model program in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) directory “A Time to Listen…A Time to Heal.” The program is used throughout the US and other countries.

Catholics Returning Home sessions provide updated information on the basics of Catholicism in a non-threatening, RCIA-like, support-group format. The sessions are informational and formational. Topics of the six-week sessions are:

Session #1 – Welcome and Overview of the Series; Sharing by Team and Participants
Session #2 – “Stories of Faith from Catholics Returning Home” video & sharing
Session #3 – The Church Today: Changes Since Vatican II, Q&A
Session #4 – Explanation/Walk-through of the Mass, Q&A
Session #5 – “Tips on Sinning,” Explanation of Reconciliation/Confession, Q&A
Session #6 – The Creed: What Catholics Believe Wrap-up, Q&A

Most participants want to continue with more in-depth adult education/formation sessions and should be channeled into Bible study or other small group faith sharing. Graduates can be channeled into continuing sessions in March/October to cover additional topics and/or “Catholics Continuing the Journey” a six week Lenten/Advent spiritual renewal program. Minimal resources are necessary. The program works best in a team-environment with staff and/or volunteers. It is recommended to include people who have returned to the Church on the team and best to use a variety of presenters along with the video “Stories of Faith from Catholics Returning Home." Most advertising can be done via free news releases, signs, bulletins and regular Church mailings.

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